Magical Kenya

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Magical Kenya

1N Aberdare National Park, 1N Ol Pejeta, 1N Nakuru, 2N Masai Mara

Contact for Price
+91 7400198849
Day 01: Arrival in Nairobi and Transfer to Aberdare National Park

Meet and greet by our representative and receive a short safari briefing, including essential itinerary details and safety guidelines.

Departure to Aberdare National Park (Approximate 4-5 hour drive, 201 kms).

Upon Arrival Check-in at the hotel. Lunch served at the hotel, followed by time to relax and refresh.

Optional afternoon game drive in Aberdare National Park.

Alternatively, relax at the hotel, especially if it is near a watering hole, and observe wildlife.

Dinner and overnight stay at the hotel.

Day 02: Aberdare National Park to Ol Pejeta Conservancy

After early breakfast Check-out from the hotel in Aberdare National Park.

Scenic Drive to Ol Pejeta Conservancy (Approximate 2-hour drive, 70 km).

Upon Arrival at Ol Pejeta, Enjoy a hot lunch at the lodge.

Game drive in Ol Pejeta Conservancy, exploring the diverse wildlife.

Visit the Chimpanzee Sanctuary to learn about conservation efforts and observe the chimpanzees.

Evening Return to the lodge for dinner.

Overnight stay at the lodge, enjoying the sounds of the African wilderness.

Day 03: Ol Pejeta Conservancy to Lake Nakuru National Park

Enjoy a hearty breakfast at the lodge in Ol Pejeta Conservancy.

Check-out from the lodge and Drive to Lake Nakuru National Park (Approximate 4-hour drive ,135 km).

Scenic journey through diverse landscapes.

Upon Arrival at Lake Nakuru, Lunch at the designated camp or lodge.

Afternoon Game Drive. Explore Lake Nakuru National Park, known for its rhinos, flamingos, and diverse bird species.

Evening Return to the camp for dinner.

Overnight stay at the camp.

Day 04: Lake Nakuru to Masai Mara

Enjoy breakfast at the camp or lodge in Lake Nakuru.

Check-out and depart for Masai Mara Game Reserve.

Drive to Masai Mara (Approximate 4-5 hour drive, 210 km).

Scenic journey through the Great Rift Valley and various landscapes.

Upon Arrival at Masai Mara, Lunch at the lodge or a designated area.

Afternoon Game Drive, Explore Masai Mara Game Reserve, renowned for its abundant wildlife.

Opportunity to observe the Big Five and other wildlife in their natural habitat.

Evening Return to the lodge for dinner.

Overnight stay at the lodge.

Day 05: Full Day Game Drive in Masai Mara

Enjoy breakfast at the lodge.

Set out for a full-day game drive in Masai Mara Game Reserve.

Explore extensive areas of the reserve, increasing chances of encountering a variety of wildlife.

Enjoy a picnic lunch amidst the natural beauty of the reserve.

Afternoon Game Drive - Continue the game drive, spotting more wildlife and exploring different parts of the reserve.

Return to the lodge for dinner.

Relax, share experiences, and enjoy a delicious meal.

Overnight stay at the lodge.

Day 06: Masai Mara to Nairobi Airport

Enjoy a hearty breakfast at the lodge.

Complete the check-out process from the lodge, ensuring all belongings are packed and any outstanding bills are settled.

Depart from Masai Mara and begin the journey to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (Approximate 5-6 hour drive (250 km).

Arrive in time for your outbound flight, End of the safari adventure.

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