Charyn Canyon

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Charyn Canyon
Contact for Price
+91 7400198849
Day 01:

Departure by flight

Arrival in Almaty, meeting at the airport and transfer to hotel


Dinner in Indian restaurant


Day 02:

Breakfast in hotel

11:00-13:00 Sight- seeing

Starting point of excursion – hotel of stay. The excursion starts from the center of Almaty. You will get acquainted with the history of the origin and development of the southern capital of Kazakhstan, and you will see its main attractions as well: The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Presidential Residence, the Republic Square and the Independence Monument, the Theater of Opera and Ballet named after Abai, Astana Square, Railway Station, Central Mosque, Park of 28 Panfilov guardsmen, Abai Square and the Palace of the Republic.

13:00-14:00 Lunch in Indian restaurant

14:00-17:00 Amazing Kok Tobe

Kok-Tobe is the highest TV tower in the world, if you count from the sea level. A special viewing platform located on the mountain will allow you to admire the magnificent panorama of the city, as well as you can stroll along the winding paths of Kok-Tobe Park and visit souvenir shops. Our guide will tell the meaning of souvenirs and help to buy the best one. Here, by your wish for additional payment you can enjoy Big Almaty Wheel and make wonderful photos! Can you imagine the height from this wheel!!! The excursion ends with the descent of the megapolis in the cabin of the famous cable road of Almaty...

17:00 Transfer to hotel

20:00-22:00 Dinner in Indian Restaurant


Day 03:

Breakfast in hotel

09:00-20:00 Excursion to Charyn Canyon

Charyn Canyon resembles the famous Grand Canyon of Colorado in the US in miniature. The scenery of these places is amazing! The unusual nature of these mountains is that you do not need to climb there, in reverse; you should go down along the road. Only after descending into the steppe, you can find yourself in the mountains. Lunch will be served in the yurts on the bottom of canyons. Guests will be offered vegetarian and chicken plov, salad and tea.

20:00-22:00 Dinner in Indian Restaurant


Day 04:

Breakfast in hotel


Excursion gives you a wonderful opportunity to get acquainted with the most beautiful mountains of Zailiyskiy Alatau, surrounding the city of Almaty.

The first stop awaits you in the Medeo natural boundary, where you see the dam that protects the city from the devastating mudflows that form on the tops of the Western Tien Shan.

Further, the tour route will take you to a height of 2500 meters above sea level, where the ski resort Shymbulak is located, and which is considered to be one of the best ski bases in the territory of the CIS.

13:00-14:00 Lunch in Indian restaurant

15:00-17:00 Walking in the park of the 1st President. Duration 2 hours

We invite you for a walk in the Park named after the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan»

The territory of this Park is more than 73 hectares, where there are more than 3 thousand conifers, 9 thousand deciduous trees, about 400 shrubs, many perennial and annual flowers. Here you can enjoy the quiet, clean mountain air and stunning views of the Zailisky Alatau mountains.

20:00-22:00 Dinner in Indian Restaurant


Day 05:

Breakfast in hotel


Relax and go shopping!

13:00-14:00 Lunch in Indian restaurant

14:00- 18:00 Visiting Gorkiy Park and Dolphin Show

20:00-22:00 Dinner in Indian Restaurant


Day 06:

Тransfer from hotel to the airport

  • Visa Invitation
  • Transfers and transportation services according to the program
  • Accommodation in a hotel in a standard double room
  • The food indicated in the program
  • Excursions according to the program with a guide
  • Entrance tickets and environmental fees according to the program
  • Water during excursions (2 bottles)
  • Airline tickets
  • Food not indicated in the program
  • Personal and other expenses not indicated in the program
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